Nanny Troubles

I'm going back to work and I want a nanny. I don't trust most daycares as when I was a child I was not in the best of them (they claimed and had amazing ratings but the experience was less than... helpful). So I want a nanny. This helps as I am a single mother (I'm a widow for alll you judgy assholes) and I have some ideas on how to make their stay comfortable. That being said, I have a feeling that no one will agree due to my security system. Once upon a time when I had my first born, I was at the playground with him and our house was broken into. They took over 1,000 dollars worth of stuff (thank GOD for insurence) and nearly 3,000 in family heirlooms. (I miss my heritage and connection more than the money). Now I have a major secuirty system that has no blind spots in each room (except bathrooms). I have informed the nannies who interview me of this situation and of how I feel like I can trust them (provided they do not enter the bathroom with my child. They are both if the age when they can use the bathroom alone and have been for years). I feel like the only way I will ever find a nanny is to get rid of my secuirty system. Thoughts?