gestational diabetes test

Katelynn • 29, married, mom of 2 beautiful baby boys, one is a newborn and the other is 2 years old

When I was pregnant with my son I had to do the gestational diabetes test. I had severe heartburn at the time, I can't gulp down any drink even if I like it, and I don't drink juice period. 

The drink was so horrible. I puked it up 3 times. On the 4th try I finally got the whole thing down. Unfortunately my levels were too high to say I wasn't diabetic but too low to say I was. They sent me to the lab to do the 3 hour test. Smaller drink higher sugar content less time to drink it. I threw that up too.

I refused to do it again and they treated me as a diabetic.

I had to test my blood sugar 4 times a day and my morning sugar was the only high one. 

They made me take insulin pills for that.

Due to my last pregnancy they made me do the test early. Luckily my doctor said because of the difficulties last time I could do the jellybean test instead of the drink. 

So this morning I came in and ate 22 jellybeans in 5 minutes. It was harder then I thought but not as hard as the drink.

I was 15 minutes from the blood draw and I felt sick ran to the bathroom and puked. They were all so bummed for me. They said they will talk to my doctor when she comes in to find out what to do. I told them I will not do it again. If I can't keep it down now I never will. 😭 Damn hormones I was crying. It's just so hard.