
So I've been talking to this guy for over a year now and we've been on and off all the time. We weren't exactly on and he slept with another girl who happens to be his ex girlfriend so I got upset and we didn't talk for a while. We started talking again and then got into an argument drunk and didn't talk for again. We've recently started talking again everyday but it's only fresh. I drove past his house on the way to work this morning and yesterday morning and her car was out the front. But both nights weve been talking up until about 9:30/10pm meaning she'd have to be coming over after that. I don't exactly expect him to commit to me right now considering we are fresh.  I've brought her up to him a few times and he's basically said that there's nothing really going on there and that he's just slept with her a few times , he calls her crazy and things like that and I've read the messages. I think that he's just sleeping with her but I want to know what exactly to do???? Like run for the hills or maybe work on getting his attention?