Right time to start solids ?

Hi... Ive gone and read up on when to start solids and get alot of mixed advice on the subject. My baby girl weighed 4.72kg at birth and she is a 'biggish' baby, not overweight but big for her age group and Im also breast feeding, she eats average every 2 - 3 hours depending on her mood and I do demand feed. She doesnt cry alot, almost never so I take it that she is a happy baby and that if she was hungry she would cry alot... so my question is , do I start solids at the recommended age of 6 months or can I start earlier as she is bigger than average babies.. any advice will be appreciated😊 ( oh and believe it or not she is not my first baby but my fourth but for some reason I feel very uncertain on almost everything with her 🙈 )