First Ultrasound - all good!

Had my first ultrasound today and phew! - it's still alive! Like many of you, I've been completely anxious over what, if anything, is growing inside me; Reading awful stories about miscarriages or a lonely sac... it's been agonizing! 
The doctor set me back 6 days, saying I am 8+2, embryo has a heart beat of 180. It's due 7/31. We even saw it wiggle a little bit! It's such a relief knowing everything, at least for now, is okay. I've had only minor symptoms (some tiredness, immediate hunger, slightly sore boobs) and was really worried about how my baby is doing. At 11/23 my HCG was 750 and at 12/7 it was 61k (I made my PCP give me the second test as I was worried about not having symptoms). 
Looking forward to my next appointment at 12 weeks! Hoping everything continues to develop as it should!