My Endo Journey

So I haven't formally been diangmosed with endometriosis yet, but considering I've been diagnosed with every other possible thing, I have decided to self diagnose and am currently waiting to see my OB-GYN. With that being said, my husband and I have been TTC for almost 4 years now. I was pregnant 2 years ago but ended in MC at 10 weeks and haven't conceived since. My husband also has low sperm count and low motility. I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, a malfunctioning gall bladder, and muscular skeletal inflammation. About 5 days ago, I find myself curled up in the bathroom floor screaming in pain and vomiting - damn near delirious, and can't speak. I wait 4 hours at the ER for them to tell me "well, your not pregnant" like no duh, and give me 1000mg of Tylenol. By then the pains calmed down quite a bit already so they give me a CT scan and find a ruptured ovarian cyst and they tell me to make an appointment for an ultrasound on my uterus right away. So I start doing some digging and found th closest thing to what I've been feeling since I have started me period- endometriosis and low and behold it can be misdiagnosed for IBS and gall bladder issues. I feel so lonely at work and home because of the pain. I literally just smile and bear through it even though it gets close to impossible sometimes. I am hoping I have the luck and miracles that others have had and hope that come my appointment on the 5th that my doctor hears me out about this. I don't know how much longer I can deal with the pain, fatigue, nausea, and mood swings. Being a girl is so difficult 😥