other women?????

Alysha • Wife to gorgeous hubby 👨🏻‍⚖️ and mummy to 2 stunning babies 👶🏻👧🏻 2 fur babies 🐈🐈 and one angel baby 😇👶🏻😢
Is it just me or are other women bloody horrible when you're pregnant??? 
Tonight I went to a friends house for a girls night in (obviously I was in pop) but almost as soon as I entered the room, a friend of my friend decided it was appropriate to mention my size, seeming shocked that I was so big for only being 19w + 1d! Now don't get me wrong I'm not unrealistic, and I know I'm big for how far along I am and I'm a big girl anyway before being pregnant (pregnant with my second and I never lost the weight from 1st) - but this was a woman who I have never met before and she said it loud and proud infront of the entire group! Am I being too sensitive??? Because I would never dream of saying anything of the sort to a pregnant woman - let alone one who I'd never met before?! And this totally killed my buzz from having my scan this afternoon! :-(
Any reality check or sympathy would be greatly appreciated - mother to mother.