venting.. I need baby dust

Maybe I just need some advice... I have a 3 year old son who is the greatest thing ever... but I want another baby so bad! After my son was born I got the IUD it was never successful I still had period and random pain from it I was constantly moody and cranky after going to the hospital one day with a fever of 103 they told me that the IUD had migrated and was puncturing the side of my uterus... it was removed in the most painful way.. basically they took a long hook and went fishing for it... Doctor said that my uterus would be fine and that they heal very fast I believed him... we took all the right steps to plan for a 2nd child got all the ducks in a line..: I never wanted 2 in diapers anyway bought our house had a beautiful wedding... saved money and tried staying mostly healthy not we kee trying and my period shows up every month! That bitch! Not only that my period is miserable I throw up cramp for days live on a heating bar and go through enough ibuprofen to kill a small donkey... when will I feel the joy of pregnancy again? Please Pray that I'm not damaged and that taking our time will pay off maybe I waited to long?