miscarriage ๐Ÿ’” we're now angel mummy's ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿผ

I recently had a miscarriage at 10 weeks my first pregnancy and it is the worst and scariest time of my life! No one prepares you for this experience ๐Ÿ’” devasted is not a word I would describe the loss you go through.ย 
More education on miscarriages, blightened ovums, still births any complications needs to be given to every female and male wanting to conceive. I had the worst experience of my life, being told my the midwife at the hospital that "you're possibly miscarring, as you have a huge bleed on your sac, but I can not confirm until all comes away" was like an outer body experience I was listening but not really in the room. I had no information from the midwife on what I should expect other than just wait and see and we'll book you in for another scan, after the 8 long days of bleeding, passing clots the size of my palm, the most painful contractions, yes contractions (no one tells you that you actually have labour contractions during a miscarriage) I have ever had, a doctor I seen afterward was insentive and cruel with comments of "it's only your first pregnancy, it doesn't matter, there's another time" no I'm sorry, that is my baby and my first baby! Just they see this everyday does not give them the right to say things like that as that baby, you're baby is your world as soon as that faint positive came up on test, imagining names, facial features, personality what life you will have when you're gorgeous bundle of joy arrives!ย 
No one prepares you for a loss.ย 
I havnt come to full terms of my loss, but what helps me get through is that I know I'm a mummy to my beautiful baby who now has wings! My baby is looking after me from up there ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿผย 
If you've gone through this I hope this helps that the way you feel is ok, don't feel one bit silly or angry at yourself, you're strong โค๏ธย 
If you've not I really hope you do not EVER go trough this pain.
But more education and support needs to be given to everyone ๐Ÿ’”