baby baby baby

Hey everyone, I just want to tell my story, I'm feeling a little down since last Tusdsy I went to my OBGYN and after the ultrasound he stated, that it looks like there is no growth within one week from the other in my baby, I'm 8 weeks and I feel just fine, I have the ocasional nocias, but my head is playing tricks with me so sometimes I don't feel my Brest tender any more and lots of thoughts going in my head, I will get another ultrasound on Tusdsy to see if there has been any improvement, but I'm scared, I have been crying and do not feel very festive for Christmas at all 😔. My hubby says we have to be strong for whatever comes, and I sware I have been trying for the baby and me to be calm and go on! But it's hard. I just prey that God knows what is the best for my family and this baby that we want so much. Please help us pay to be strong for whatever may come!