Princess Jasmine (a lil long)

It was only 12 hrs and 6 minutes ago that This amazing gift was given to me but let me tell you about the ride...
First this is my 4th baby and I had the most stressful of pregnancies. I felt like everytime I went to get seen it was a new problem, preclampsia, water in her kidneys, fatty liver disease, breech, and then overdue. At 40weeks and 4 days I was at ATU being checked for water levels and blood pressure. Baby girl was not showing any signs of coming anytime soon. I had tried all the natural remedies because I did not want to have her on christmas. So yesterday while at ATU thats the first thing my midwife seems to think to do, okay mom your going to be induced on xmas at 10:00 am eat a good breakfast. I was so defeated. I asked her if she could do me the favor and at least check me to see if I dilated at all. She says ok sure and says wow your 4 cm and 100% effaced, we could do one last thing to maybe get you going Naturally, I of course almost jumped for joy and said ok sure. So she stripped my membranes. 4 hours later and Im contracting every 5-7 mins for about a minute. So off we go to L&D. When we get there I am now a 5/6. So they start rushing because this is baby 4 and that means my body is good at getting babies out. BUT of course her heart beat drops my pressure is up and now they arent sure if she is head down or breech again. Thankfully after everything and pushing for 30 minutes my Baby girl made her appearance. 
Baby Jasmine
8lbs 4.3 oz
21 inches LongDecember 23, 12:04 am