worst pain of my life

Yesterday and today have become the worst days of my life. I woke up at 7am to go to work yesterday and noticed blood in my underwear I tried not to panic because I've have 2 miscarriages before this both very early on. Called the doc they couldn't get me in until 9:20. Finally got there found out by blood test we were having a baby girl 💕exactly what we wanted. Things quickly went downhill when the doctor did the ultrasound and couldn't find a heartbeat. My boyfriend and I instantly started crying we thought for sure after our two losses and this time making it to 12 weeks we were safe. We went home and waited for the pain. At 6pm the cramps were getting worse and worse I was crying and laying on the bathroom floor begging for it to stop. Finally at 11:30pm my boyfriend took me to the ER he said he couldn't handle to see me in so much pain. We got there and everyone was rude. I was cramping/contracting so bad it was dropping me to my knees a pain I've never felt in my life. The pain was so intense I began throwing up. The doctors gave my oxy and I threw that up. Finally after passing multiple clots of tissue and blood they gave me a pain shot. My pain went from a 10 to a 8. The doctors and nurses seemed so annoyed with me,
Making it so much more uncomfortable to pass the tissue and blood. Finally came home at 5am this morning. I am still in pain cramping but the pain is only a 6 now. This is the worst physical and emotional torture anyone could go threw. Meanwhile because of the holidays and working at a restaurant work is begging me to come in, I don't feel like it's even physically possible although I might try tomorrow. <\3 praying for anyone else going through this and for any pregnant woman I pray you don't have to go through this.