Ever heard of it taking 4-8 weeks??


I know this is probably wishful thinking, but I have never been late on my period. They are always a week early. So, I'm late. I have mild cramps, I keep getting headaches and I have literally been peeing like every hour or two. So I take a test, negative. I've taken three on the last week, all negative. So I realize I am probably not pregnant.

But I read online it can take some women 4-8 weeks AFTER their period is due to get a BFP. Its making me sort of excited. Has anyone heard of/experienced this?? I got five of the 88 cent preg tests, and two clear blue digitals. I don't want to waste the clear blues. Glow says I am due 25 (after being due the 20th and pushing it back twice) So, thoughts??

Thank you ladies!!