14 days late!!

Hillary • 28 and TTC #2. Been married 10 years and TTC for almost 8 years.

Prayers if you're the praying type. I'm officially 14 days late! Been TTC for 7 years now. Taken several tests, all BFN. 25 dpo. CD 44. Had cycle buddies but they've all passed me by.

Cm has been light to heavy, whitish but thin. Cp has been very high, and very firm. Can't tell if it's open or closed because it's too high lol. Temp has been between 98.5 and 99.5 everyday but I don't have a base temp yet to compare.

I was feeling pretty exhausted but I work long hours. I've had some cramping on and of since AF due date but she was a no show.

I've been bloated and gassy. I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating symptoms or if this is the real deal.

I've taken 5 hpt, all BFN. I'm taking one more Christmas morning. Hoping for my Christmas miracle.... Had anyone else gotten a BFP this late in the game?