He doesn't belong to me only. (long story) This is a very scandalous topic I want to touch on. If you're judgemental or here to judge me PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT!😣😣

Zav • single 🔓Jamaican shorty fresh out of Florida🐊🌴
You guys I have fallen into a trap I've never in one million years thought I'd fall into. I don't want to be the sideline but the feelings are somewhat there and its hard to let go. So long story short. This guy I've been seeing has a girlfriend and a baby girl that was just now born not too many days ago. (The baby was born early btw) anyway so we started messing around during the time my ex boyfriend went to jail and his girlfriend was pregnant. We both decided to keep our relationship private. I'm 16 and he's 21 not to mention the sex is great, I can call on him at anytime of the day and he just gives me this feeling I never had before. He's nice, he's smart, has something going for himself and his carreer is similar to what I'm trying to go to school for surprisingly and he's very handsome 😍.I hate to be the other women but me and this guy do have a bond and I know that he feels the same way about me. However I'm just going to say this, the realationship with the child's mother is forced. He doesn't want to be in it anymore but chooses to stay in it for his newly born daughter and for others around him to not think of him differently. Even though I've been the one taking time away from his daughter and baby's mother, I still hurt for her. I've recently tried to break it off with him and he got extremely upset about it, came to my house and sexed me back into no longer wanting to end it with him. I hate that my feelings are involved because he does not belong to me only and it makes me feel hoeish. He also says things to me that I know would hurt the girl he's been with for 3 years feelings. For instance he recently told me that I'd look good pregnant and he wish he would have met me first. He's even offered to take me out to places and buy me expensive things too but I've always refused because it's not my place! (we have been having unprotected sex too) I don't want to shatter a 3 year relationship but at the same time it's hard for either of us to let go. I'm really seeking help regarding this situation. I know he wants to be with me but he doesn't want people to turn on him. It's just so hard on me because I know what its like to be chose over and I don't wish that on any women but yet I'm causing another women's pain for my own happiness. I feel so bad. What should I do though?