preparing to loose it?

So I'm an 18yo virgin (literally the most I've done is make out with a guy) and I grew up very sheltered. I didn't even know what sex was until I was 17, so moving out and going to college was a pretty big shock. Anyways, this guy and I have been hanging out a lot (he's my first kiss, first person I've gotten high with, drunk with, etc) and I REALLY like him. He calls me boo and baby and he pets my hair. I really really want to loose my virginity to him... so he's coming over tomorrow night to "help me put up decorations." Thing is, I haven't even ever used a tampon, let alone shaved or masturbated. I'm pretty ashamed that I know less about sex than a 15 year old these days... so how should I shave? How do I prepare? help!