I just need to get this off of my chest...

Two days ago when I was walking home from my neighborhood Fry's, a man in a car stopped and asked me if I needed a ride home, I said no thanks. I thought he was being kind but I was wrong. He said okay and drive forward. He then turned around and said , " ma'am, ma'am sorry you're just beautiful. You're beautiful." I felt flattered I guess and started a conversation with him; a small one. As the conversation went on a little bit I noticed him jerking off to me and when he saw me notice he asked if I wanted to watch. I was in shock. I started looking around me and starting backing up, "where are you going?" He asked and I said " I'm I've got to go, sorry. " I started to walk a away towards home and heard him make like a sigh, like he was saying "really?" Anyways, then he parked his car and got out and started to follow me. I looked behind me 2-3 times and still saw him following me. I walked faster and did a weird jog thing (I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago so it was hard and ended up causing pain to it again...)

That night physically took a toll on me. The stress was so high that I felt nauseated, I was light headed, Shakey, crying and just felt over all Ill and sick to my stomach.

In the morning I am okay and confident but then I feel afraid at night to walk my dog if I come across a man. I'm not afraid of women but I will go out of my way or just go somewhere farther from my destination until the guy is away from me. I feel afraid to go to college in January because it's away from home and I will have nobody there to protect me or that I will feel protected by, I will be alone.

I say that I'm okay, that I won't let myself be afraid, that I am going to be strong, but to be honest I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking what could have happened. Can't stop thinking "how will I prevent this when I go to college, how will I feel safe" I feel like I can't express this to people because nothing really happened besides him following me. I didn't see anything and he didn't touch me or get physical so I feel like I'm overreacting. But I just can't get his face out of my head, or what he did, or what he said...It just replays.

I am so sorry to all the women who have been targets by sexual harassment and rape. It is such a scary world out there and there are such creeps. I can't believe this happened to me twice but it most likely won't be the last. Be strong to all of you who have been victims.❤

I am sorry if this sounds pathetic off me to let this affect me because nothing really "Happened" I know it could have been worse and that I really could have been hurt. I think I was just so messed up that night because what "could have happened"

Thank you to those who took the time to read this❤❤❤


Thank you to everybody who commented on my post. Your words are very much appreciated so thank you!! I ended up reporting this guy and buying some pepper spray. I am so sorry to the women who have been in the same boat as me. Stay safe❤❤