Beyond pissed off , weirded out and want to get my on place as soon as possible.

Hey ladies and some gents.if you had read my post about my step brother and what happened over the summer then you will understand. If none of you guys didn't here is a story about it. Over the summer time my lil step brother was staying with us for summer break and he was 12 then so one night he was sleeping on the floor in my room with me and my boyfriend that day and was suppose to be on my bed that I had. So that night when we was sleep and I was just falling asleep he decided it was okay to start touching me inappropriately and it kept happening for a week. (PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME FOR WHY I DIDN'T SAYING ANYTHING EARLIER OR TO WHY I DIDN'T STOP IT.) but the reason why I didn't saying anything earlier was because I was extremely shocked and scared out of my mind and didn't know what do right away. So one day I said maybe let me say something to my boyfriend or tell someone but I was thinking they probably won't believe me in the first place. Anyways I just decided to tell my bf when we was alone. So I told him and he was like maybe it is hormones and stuff. I'm like wow so you think it's his hormones but I don't think so. If it was his hormones then why does he keep touching me every night then. So I got mad and was like what the fuck was the whole point of me telling you and his sister even said that too but I'm like I don't think so. We came up with a plan and my bf said he will stay up all night fake sleeping but was actually sleep while I was awake and we was both high af. So when he was trying to touch me I will wake up my bf but secretly letting him know that he was touching me. And my bf caught him and said what he was doing. (THE LIE THAT CAME OUT OF THIS LITTLE BOY MOUTH I WAS WANTED TO GET UP AND CHOKE HIM BUT I WAS TO HIGH TO DO SO) Anyways he said he was looking for the Xbox controller knowing that the whole time it was near the tv where the Xbox was. So my bf told him it was near the Xbox and he left me alone and he kept trying to touch me most of the night until he have up after I kept waking up my bf. So once my sister knew and my step sister knew plus my mom and step father knew I confronted him about it and told him that I know he has been doing it and he was denying it at first so I put a little bit more base in my voice and told him to stop denying I'm not that stupid man. If you was to ever do it again I will kill you literally. He said okay. Then his father talked to him about it but I think it never got in his damn head anyway. Because he tried to do it one time when we me , my bf, my SIL and him(step brother) spent the night at my bf and SIL cousin house. But never could cause I got up after I kept hearing someone in the room and knew it was him. It never happened again. Now he is here again after thanksgiving and is spending Christmas with us until he goes back to school. I'm still feeling weird as hell and mad and annoyed that he is here because he keeps looking at me and still getting a little to close so I go in my room to get away from him and keep my distance as well. So all I want to do right now is just get my own place with my newborn baby and just be as far as possible. Cause I Can't handle it right now its just to much for me to handle. Its even making it hard for me to sleep or just be in a room with him by our selves. Right now I'm all to pieces and Can t wait for him to go home. Still I can't let a situation like that go period.... Sorry for the long paragraph and Merry Christmas everyone!!!🎅🎁🎄💖🎄🎁🎅