Too fat to have another baby part 2

Yes it's me again 😍well I'm now 241 lbs still shedding the weight feeling good.

Ok so the doctor that told me i had to loose 130 before he help me with my fertility issues called me last week and apologized for being rude and told me he wanna see the beginning of the year to do some tests 😱i guess he had a change of heart and now is willing to at least do some test because of my history. Idk if it was my doctor that talked to him and changed his mind or what but his tone was very different also.

But its crazy because i might be pregnant. My period is due in two days but im having crazy symptoms 😶like

Sore nipps for the past weeks

Lots Lots of thick CM which i don't have ever

Cramping it could be AF cramps and i hear that's a good sign

Super hunger attacks

Head ache

Bad heart burn

Very tired

And sick😷

Maybe its me wanting to be pregnant or maybe these symptoms mean something. But i'm glad the doctor is willing to help if needed. Thanks for listening glow😘on top of that my mom says my period isn't coming because she knows im pregnant 😄😄my mom crazy

Merry Christmas