UTI? Leukocytes more than positive but negative Nitrate


Since the 23rd of this month I've been having the following:


-Pressure or feeling of fullness in my lower abdomen 

-Feeling like I still have to pee and just can't get it out

-Slight odor but not bad 

But I haven't had cloudy or blood in urine and it only burned once, last time I had a UTI it burned every time I went to the bathroom.

I'm currently in California and won't be home (Utah) until Tuesday and Wednesday and usually our doctors are so full, it's a month out until you get an appointment. I'll visit the free clinic or urgent clinic if it stays as bad as it is; the cramping feeling is so bad that 600mg ibuprofen isn't taking the pain away anymore. 

Going to retake it in the morning in addition to a pregnancy test, if the pregnancy test is negative, I'll wait to see if I miss my period. I bought the 6 days sooner First Response tests.

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