How long does it take for a guy to ask you out?

We have been texting since thanksgiving, seeing each other every weekend since Christmas (our work schedules make it hard) but he drives and hour both ways to see me atleast 2 times a week (We have had sex, but it's not an all the time thing, so I know he's not here for that). He's met my parents, my daughter, and close friends. I've met his parents (his dad even called me his girlfriend and his mom and dad wants to meet my daughter), and his brother and he has us plans to go hang out with his friends next weekend. He tells me he "really really really likes me" and that he hasn't felt this way in a really long time. I just don't understand why he hasn't asked me to be official yet? Do any of you ladies or guys have any advice on what I should/can do or ask him without seeming to pushy? I'm going to attach a text from him (FYI cussing is like a second language for him) just so you guys can see how comfortable and sweet he is and how much this man confuses me. I thought only people in a relationship did things like this. Maybe I'm wrong.