Confused??? Still hope??

First day of AF was 12-25

Started femara on day 3 of cycle

I'm pretty sure I o'ed (Dr said not to test for o since I have pcos which could give false positive)

I'm not on any other meds

When I have a cycle (rare) it's 30 days

Dr office said to base this cycle on 28 day

AF due approximately Jan 22

Got a BFN today

Could this be to early??

Symptoms are ...high closed soft cervix

Low grade evening fever (99.1-99.3) (dr is not a fan of bbt so I have just been randomly taking it in the <a href="">eve</a>)

Usually 97ish

Sore breast (all over)

Very emotional

Tired (not exhausted more like lazy and need a nap I guess)

Nausea this am (that's the kicker that made me test)