OPK so confused please help!

So I bought a huge box of tests from Amazon. About a week after my period I decided to try a test to get the hang of it. I had a faint line which was really strange because glow didn't predict my ovulation for another week. I took another test the next day and it was very dark. Definitely positive! So I'm thinking maybe this has been the problem! Maybe glow was wrong. Hubby and I get down to business every other day legs in the air etc.. Took another test a couple of days later and line was very faint. So I was fairly confident that I hit my window. 
A week later on the day glow predicted my ovulation I took 2 tests and they were both very positive! Got down to business again but now I am SO confused. I have no clue when I  ovulate. Could it be twice in one month? Are these things ever wrong? Helllppp please!