lost my baby boy at 26 weeks during labour.

On the 14th I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, sadly he didn't make it due to the cord coming out first cutting off his oxygen supply. 
A range of complications happened.... 
we were admitted to hospital at 24 weeks due to being 3cm dilated, so they diagnosed it as an incompetent cervix.
The doctor put in a rescue stitch to try and keep my baby safe, this gave us great hope, however, I started having contractions and began bleeding. 
After 2 days of contractions and bleeding they decided to take the stitch out and gave me a drug to make me go into proper labour. As soon as this drug was in my system my waters went and it was like something had exploded.
I think this is why the cord came out first. After I then gave birth to my baby and they said there had been a placenta abruption, however my baby weight 2lbs at 26 weeks which is a good weight, so could the abruption been from my waters going so quickly? 
Also, has any one had a loss and needed a stitch after something like this has happen and been successful?