
Ok I've been trying to conceive a baby for 7 yrs. with my ex. But things didn't work out for us. We split but now I finally found a man I love and loves me back. We are so happy. We tried to have a baby but my wonderful friends "the fibroids" had return and reared there ugly head again after removing 7 last yrs. so my doc decided to do a quick myomectomy and found 2 and removed them. This was on the 2nd. Well we had to wait a week. So we did. That week was actually my period week so it turned out just right. We started having sex right after my period and before my ovulation. A couple of days later I'm having pregnancy symptoms. Headaches, nausea, high basal temperature (in the 99. For two weeks now), backaches, little cramping, brown discharge but my doc said that's from my surgery. Tender breast but not to touch. And tired a lot. I've never felt this way after a surgery so this is really new. This isn't my first surgery this is actually my 2nd for removing fibroids. Has anyone else felt like this or am I pregnant. My next cycle is due for 3 days. And normally my basal temperature would have dropped to 97. All evening and morning for the past two weeks it's been 98-99. What does this mean. I want to take a test but I'm trying to wait to AF doesn't show. 🤞🏾