Is this normal?

Let me just start off with this, i have had 3 pregnancies. I had a miscarriage back in october with one of them. I am now 7 weeks an 5 days along. This may be TMI but i not sure if I'm the only one with this struggle. With my other pregnancies i wanted to have sex all the time from day one. This one, is very different. I absolutely do not want sex at all. I dread it when my husband wants to an I'm like do i have to? I love my husband very much an I'm always reassuring him that its not him at all. Its this pregnancy!! I just have no desire to have sex nor do i want it. I crave all sorts of junk food sweets an more moody then any of my other pregnancies with my boys. I don't have much morning sickness but i get nausea off an on periodically. Does anyone else notice their sex drive has took a deep leap since the beginning of the pregnancy? I just feel like periodically i got to force myself to have sex with my husband to reassure him that its not him.