update on 23 weeker born 11/25 but due on 3/22

My love bug has been on a rollercoaster ride. Today is day #34 in the NICU and its never easy to leave him. Its been one thing after another but we are praying hard daily for him to come home in March. He only weighed 15oz at birth and was 11 inches long. As of today my heart beat is 1lb 6.5oz,
12.25 inches long,  still on the vent, just had his picc line removed yesterday, getting formula feeds and tolerating with some reflux, finally off the insulin drip and he gets diuretics due to chronic lung disease. Our  biggest hurldes is the heart and esp the lungs. Plz continue to pray for him. This has been the hardest thing in life ive ever had to face but we are still prayerful. We do have a go fund me acct set up for anyone able to help. As you know this took us all by surprise so its been pretty rough but through it all, I am thankful
Mommy is soooo in love ❤️