Ultrasound pictures


The photo on the right is my cousin's gf at roughly 10wks and left is mine at 6wks. She and I are only two months apart in being pregnant. My family is saying she's having a boy and I'm having a girl. I'm getting annoyed because they compare our ultrasounds pictures. I found out right away when I was pregnant at 4wks. She found out at 8wks. They are on my ass about being careful because she's being very cautious and I can't do certain things because fear of miscarriage. I get where they are coming from but I've been careful from the start. I got mad last night and backlash and said the only reason she's careful now because she was drunk every other day and smokes two packets of cigarettes a day plus weed. I'm not judging at all. I want a boy and my man wants a girl. I don't care what gender my baby is as long as he/she is healthy and sane.

Sorry for ranting but I hate holding emotions in.