how tired is to tired ??

I am so tried like 90 % of the time! I am 8 weeks and I know it will go away in the next month as it did with my son as well 
But for real I can barely get anything done during the day I just need my sleep 
Which turned into a huge fight with me and my husband. I am now a lazy slob cause I haven't gotten much cleaning done ... My mom and grandma and sister all come when they can to help me with house work and with my 6 year old son. I still pack his lunch and take him to and from school and make sure he is good but I just can't even picture doing Laundry I wanna fall sleep typing this ... And to top it off my son has a fever and 104 and me of 103 we spent all day in the hospital cause he couldn't stop puking .... Am I wrong to be this tired ? So sick of being called a slob ... It's not like there is mold growing anywhere and I clean my sons bathroom ever other day I work from home and make more money then my husband like I pay 70 % of everything! I clean what I can when I have enough energy yes there is stuff that needs to be done but really a slob ? I feel like I should just say fuck it and be a real slob I don't no that's my rant if you need clean fucking clothing your not broken and it's not hard to put a load in the machine ... I don't cause the baskets are Heavy and he just leaves them down there everyday then bitches that he has to go all the way down stairs to get dressed evey morning I mean I washed and dry it sorry you have to dig though clean clothing to get dressed