Implantation or what??

Okay so last month on the 24&25th I had time off from college so my bf and I decided to rent a motel and spend time, both of those days we ended up having sex. Twice the 24th and once the 25th, it was the first time in a year since I actually agreed on doing it, so aftwards a few hours later I was taking a shower and I ended up getting my period, so now a months later my period is so abnormal, it's very light and nothing comes out only on the tampon, it's like a brownish and with some red spots, and I have this like discharge every time I pee that feels like a clump and this is probably tmi but I don't know if it's too late for implantation bleeding or not, but implantation usually occurs before a period, not during the expected time, am I the only one who experienced this??