Maybe I'm not cut out to be a mom..

I have a 1 month old and yesterday I just couldn't take it.

I'd feed him, burp him, change him, and chill with him for a while so he doesn't puke on everything. I go to put him down and he gets upset. Then anything else I'd do just wouldn't satisfy him.

Now I know this seems all normal first time mom things and problems that every mom goes through but this day was different..

Every time he'd cry and I'd pop his pacifier back in his mouth I'd get this incredible rage. I want punch walls or throw my phone as hard as I could down the hall.

I did what I've been told to do when things get to be to much, I put him down in his pack n play and left the room. I couldn't actually ever EVER hurt my baby but god I felt so much anger. So much so that I could feel myself on the brink of a panic attack. And rage panic attacks don't go well.

My SO wasnt home, since he still has work and I'm still on maternity leave. He took over when he got home and just tapped out of the world around me. Browsing the Internet on my phone.

Is this what PPD is? I'm usually a clamn, collected person but now I'm just so angry all the time with him.