Letrozole question. PLEASE help me out if you can!

So this is my third month taking Letrozole. The first month I caught my surge on cd 13. The second month I missed my surge (I confirmed ovulation had already happened before cd 14) and this month I'm cd 11 and think I missed it again! On Tuesday I'll call the Dr and get blood work to confirm. I started taking ovulation tests on cd 8, which was not positive but close we BD that night then the next day it was lighter and lighter till today! And only on cd 11!! I've BD three times since cd 8, hopefully I got it this month but it makes me uneasy not knowing and not being able to count. What is going on?! Is it normal to ovulate so early on Letrozole!? When should I start taking opks to know my exact date of ovulation? My cycles are between 26-29 days although lately they've been closer to the 29 day range. I'm really confused and not sure how to handle this.