pregnancy symptoms subsiding...

Just want to preface this with...this is my first pregnancy since my miscarriage in October. 
It's been kinda scary for me since I found out I was pregnant again. I am beyond happy it happened so quickly so we can start this journey over but I'm also on edge. I notice every little thing going on with my body. It's quite frustrating. My boobs aren't sore all the time it kinda comes and goes but they went from pretty tender to the touch yesterday afternoon to no tenderness at all last night and this morning. I went into immediate panic mode. Even though I know this can be normal I'm still on edge. My cramping has also subsided. Which makes me believe the implantation process is probably over. I'm 4 weeks 3 days today according to the app and I'm trying so so hard not to call the doctor till I've at least reached 6 weeks
I am watching my levels rise myself at home with HPT because I feel it makes me feel better to see them darken a tad everyday
Today's first response pulled a little color from the control line which had me reassured things were progressing