rant sorry it's long

My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years. He has a 9 yr old who lives with us. Her mother is in and out of the picture. I am an emergency room nurse. Thursday morning I got home from work she had a fever and was feeling sick. The flu has been big in our area. I gave her some Tylenol made some soup and had her rest on the couch. Her father made her a drs appointment. Fast forward to 11am she has a febrile seizure. So we take her to my hospital. After many tests it's determined that she has bacterial meningitis. Admitted to the pedi icu. Finally after hours her mother shows us. This poor child was vaccinated against nothing because her "mother doesn't believe in them." I had been unaware of this because legally I don't make medical decisions. Anyway, your allowed one overnight guest in the icu the daughter asked for me. Well of course the mother threw a fit, thankfully my boyfriend finally stood up to her and said she's better off in my care anyway. Not to sound harsh she sees her daughter maybe 10 times a year. Didn't even see her on Christmas. We're still in the icu and she sends a text that she won't be able to make it today. (She lives 30 mins away. Not hours.) this is my first New Years off in years. I'd like to go out also but I'm here taking care of your daughter. I've had it with this women. Sorry for the rant.