My morning started off like normal


My morning started off like normal. I had a little light pink spotting from having my cervix checked and my membranes stripped the day before (12/29/16) at 37 weeks 6 days but nothing that I was concerned about. Around 11 that morning, I lost my mucus plug. By 130, I was feeling contractions pretty regularly but they weren't painful so I went about my day. At 5 I had finished dinner and was feeling just slightly more pain. My husband said we needed to go in. I was hesitant because I felt like we were just going to be sent home, I had just gone to the doctors the day before and I was scheduled to be induced on Tuesday (01/03/17).

We arrived at the hospital and we're checked in by 540. The nurse checked me and I was 3 cm with steady procession ( at my appointment the day before i was 2cm)they said they would monitor me for a few hours and check again. 745 rolls around and they check me again and I'm at a 4 and going steady. They said they would call the doctor and see what he says. He came by about an hour later, checked me (still a 4) said he would keep me, give me an epidural to help with the pain and let me process for a little bit then break my waters to get things moving.

At 130, he broke my waters and I was at a 6.

By 530, I was an 8 but everytime I had a contraction, my son's heart rate would dip and take a bit to come back up. I was scared that I was looking at a csection (so scared of being sliced open on a table). They gave me oxygen and had me laying on my right side (Nathan didn't like me on my left side at all)

The nurse checked me at 9 and said I was ready to push. We got everything all set, and did a few practice pushed before the doctor came in. He said I was still an 8 and not quite ready yet. He said he would be back in 2 hours to check and see where we are.

At 10, I called the nurse and told her I felt the urge to push. She checked me and said that for sure I was ready. Everyone came in, got everything all set up again abd we began pushing.

An hour later, he was here. I was able to do immediate skin to skin, and delayed cord clamping.

I didn't tear or need any stitches.

Nathan William Ray Guzman arrived at 11:15 a.m. 12/30/2016 weighting 7 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.

We are doing great and breastfeeding is going well. His big brother is happy he's finally here as well