Argument about setting up the crib

I asked my SO about 2 weeks ago if he could set up the crib. He said "when you make a spot for it, I will set it up"

So this week I took the time to move all of the furniture in our 2 year olds room to accommodate the crib. Our house is small and so is the kid's room, so it took some thought to make it all work. And man my back was killing me by the end of the day.

Well today I asked if he could set up the crib so I could make sure it fits and then move on to unloading the clothes from our first baby. I start school again in a few weeks, so I wanted to get everything done before then so i could relax and focus on school. I am due in April and school doesn't end until May, so I really wanted to be done.

Well, now he says "why take up room in the house when we don't need the crib for 6 more months?" when I informed him that it is about 3 months to 3 and a half at the most and that I start school soon, he just got more mad

Now our whole day is ruined, because he is pissed I asked him to help with his baby.

Why is it that I have to clean and organize the whole house, and when he has a day off all he does is sleep or play games??? I may only work 8 hours a week, but I still never get a day off. It must be nice to sleep until 11 and have breakfast made when you wake up just to go back to bed afterwards.