For the mama preparing for birth

You've researched which car seat, which crib mattress, the co-sleeping debate and now you're preparing for your birth... Packing that bag 6 times, deciding if you'd like to have a water birth or pain medication and listening to relaxation tapes and jotting down birth affirmations. I was just like you too, but if I could tell my so over pregnancy self it would be this. Slow down, I know you're done being pregnant, you're tired of the aches and pains, peeing 10x a night and the inability to ever feel comfortable but I promise you're going to be sitting up in bed at 6am wondering why you were in such a rush to get this baby out who refuses to sleep when you want to. You're going to rub your belly and miss that excitement that comes when you feel a kick. Most of all you're going to wonder why you spent so much time worrying about if you bought enough onesies and if your birth plan will really go the way you want it to... When really you should've spent more time reading about breastfeeding and stocking up on sleep. You might wonder why nobody warned you that those first few weeks with baby will be harder than any labour, those first few weeks will be the hardest thing you have ever done. Then you might ask why so many generations have kept having babies...well fortunately this rollercoaster you're about to embark on will be the most amazing, completely rewarding experience you will ever have. You will be pushed to your breaking point, but when you have those quiet little moments like when baby has just fallen asleep peacefully in your arms as you watch the sunrise peak through the curtains and you hold them just a minute longer... you'll realize it's all worth it. My advice, jot down some new mom affirmations like "you birthed her, you can feed her", "you're enough", "just one feeding at a time", prepare to not look like your pre-pregnancy self for a long time and love your body just as you did while pregnant. Take a shower, a hot one... shave your legs even! Give yourself permission to let all else go, laundry, dishes, and just sit quietly admiring that little human you worked so hard to build... Enjoy mama, you deserve it!