
Ok ladies, although i have not been formerly diagnosed with pcos, i self diagnosed myself simply because i can go 55-70 days without a period, i do get cyst regularly, they dont hurt but i know they are there, acne is now a daily part of my life. Im not a fan of pills so the doc would give me progesterone pills to take to start my period but i never would take them, LONG STORY SHORT, i figured that my body is lacking something which is throwing my body off , 2 months ago i bought First response reproductive health gummies from target, i cant say for sure that this is what helped but i cannot say there is anything else im doing that would produce these results , my cycle length last month was 38 days apart, this month it was 32 days apart, WHICH NEVER HAPPENS, plus although not actively trying, i have had lh surges both months, WHICH NEVER HAPPENS!!

All i can say is its worth a try, and your getting vitamins and nutrients! For someone who sees a period almost every 3 months, this has been life changing for me!