I hate feeling depressed

Isabel • Married 6.29.13 - Three babies. One boy, Two girls 6.5.12/11.30.14/01.11.17
Pregnant with my third. Amazingly I didn't have too much mood changes or big emotional moments with this pregnancy. With my first omg I cried about everything. How fat and big I was getting, nothing fitting, not being able to do things, you know little things would just make me ball for hours. With my second I was okay, just worried a lot. Baby was iugr. And this baby, well.. i started off high risk but I felt confident. I expected a lot of things so nothing really got me too emotional. I ignored fights with hub to not be too down. I've been doin great. 
BUT yesterday (nye) I just couldn't help over react with my hub. I found a w2 from a casino jackpot in November. He never told me about it! It was the night of my baby shower. I had family visiting from out of state. We had to buy a bigger SUV for our family and it needed new tires badly. So the following day we put them on a credit card. I was bothered that we had to do that and kept saying how I wish we could just pay all of it off right away. We ended up using some rent money to go out with my family. It was a bit stressing but hub said he was gonna do a big job (he's self employed) and we would have money by the 5th for rent. He did the job. We paid rent and so on. But all along he had $1,600!!!! He never freaking took out even a $20 to put in for anything. I manage our money cause he does stupid shit with it. So I asked him yesterday wtf did he do with it. He won't tell me! He's from Central America. Says he sent some money to his family out there. There's a whole other story about that but I know he's lying. I told him wtf is he paying other lazy people bills before paying ours! (His family is poor over there but they choose to be. Believe me) Anyway, he won't tell me what he did with it. I'm pissed. We fought as we were getting ready to do NY party with friends. He said fuck it and went to nap with the kids. He isn't talking to me. And I just want him to say he's gonna stop gambling. He goes occasionally but when he does he can blow off all our rent. 
I'm due the 11th and just want to have my baby already to focus on her. 
I should be walking to get things started but I just want to stay in bed crying all damn day! 
And honestly I will say that my hub usually is a good man. He doesn't drink any alcohol at all. He never has smoked or done any drugs. He's hard working and at least gets our rent paid while I am stay at home mom that helps him with office work for our business. He just gets way over his head when he sees money coming in and it annoys me!