should I test?

I've been debating what I need to do... I'm going to see the doctor, but I wanted some other women's thoughts too!
I came off birth control a year and a half ago, having semi regular periods. The last few months, I've had pretty regular periods. However, the last 2 months, I've missed my periods. I've had what seems like all the pregnancy symptoms-- my nipples hurt all the time, sometimes more than others, I'm nauseated a lot of the time, tired, I've had mild cramps, bloating... and other things. 
I'm also nervous that I won't get pregnant because I'm overweight. I'm working on my body and losing weight and being healthy. But I know it can be harder to get pregnant while being overweight. 
Ok. All that to say, should I take a pregnancy test?? I'm nervous to take a test because I don't want to see another negative line... advice??