My Dad Needs Prayers Please!

Lynzee • Mommy 💗 Business Student 📈 Christian ✝

So, just a little back story. My dad has diabetes, and his blood sugar is always high- like 200-300 is his "normal". He has vasovagal syncope, meaning his heart doesn't always compensate movement. So, if he stands up or something, his blood pressure bottoms out sometimes, and he'll pass out (this part is very rare, he normally will just get weak). My mom told me in high school not to expect my Dad to be alive when I graduate. He spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital. I even got married at the hospital because he was admitted a couple days before my wedding, and my FIL had already came from out of state so we couldn't postpone the wedding, and I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle.

But, he was here for all of that. Now, I have my daughter. And, he's so in love. I will begin work next Monday,and he will watch her while I'm at work.

My dad has sat down and cried because he knows he won't see her grow up like he wants to, so he tries to spend as much time as possible with her.

Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> he became sick with a bad cough and a stomach bug that are both going around. He ate Christmas dinner with us though. He didn't eat again until yesterday (Saturday). Friday he was rushed by ambulance to the hospital, where they admitted him to ICU. His blood sugar was over 900, he was throwing up blood. His O2 sats were extremely low, unstable blood pressure, and couldn't talk. He also was so weak from throwing up so much, he fell several times the day before, and hit his head.

I guess I'm just numb to it all because of how many times he's been in the hospital, but I didn't realize we almost lost him until my mom texted me this.

Please pray for him. I want him to be here with us, but mainly for my daughter. She's only ten months old, and I want her to grow up knowing him. And, I want her to have memories of him. I want him to teach her the piano, like he keeps saying he will. I want her to remember him giving her ice cream, even when I get upset about it. I want her to know her Papa and how much he loves her. So, please pray that he gets better and stays better.

This little girl needs her Papa.