is this animal cruelty?

is this animal cruelty?
My close friend has 3 dogs..2 of them are pomeranians one is like those hot dog dogs (don't know the name of it). I fell on hard times and moved in with her in April soon after I began to nanny her kids for extra income while she works 12 hour shifts. One day I let the dogs roam around while she was gone cause they kept whining and she had a bitch fit and We had a huge blowout!! She literally keeps them locked in separate cages in her basement ALL DAY only time they are out is when she takes them outside to poop or pee. Then right back to the cage they go!
I feel so bad. But Every time I talk to her about having her dogs caged she makes up excuses and says they attack each other when she let them out!! She's had these dogs since 2011.. Some days if she doesn't take them out on time, they'll poop/pee in the cage and she'll get mad and won't feed them or give them water. Someone please tell me this isn't right?? I'm not an animal lover but to me this is just wrong having dogs Confined and isolated everyday. I just don't understand the point in owning a dog if they're just going to be in cages all day. If i report her she will know it was me. Idk what else I can do but continue to save my money up so I can move..