Making my daughter upset?

My daughter turns 2 months tomorrow and it's been a pretty rough road. She has extremely bad reflux and a load of food allergies. She is currently on two different medications, Zantac and a Proton pump inhibitor. About 3 weeks ago I went on a no dairy diet, and it wasn't helping. She had and still has almost full mucous diapers, and will sometimes throw up a whole feeding. Some days she is inconsolable and the next day she is absolutely great. Once I told her doctor the dairy diet wasn't working, and she told me either I could give my daughter alimentum formula, or go on a diet of only rice, chicken, turkey, pork, cod, potatoes, squash, apples and bananas. I am banned from all dairy, wheat, soy, corn, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, red meat, and gluten. It's been miserable. I starve all day. When I started out with just the rice it made her extremely upset, screaming, had, mucous diapers, and some blood in her poop. I immediately cut out rice leaving only the other food items. Since then she's been perfect, but I'm starving. I can't eat much of anything and it's very hard. My problem is, today I caved in and ate a pizza hot pocket. I feel terrible. I was so hungry, and I was tired of just cold chicken/ turkey lunch meat with no bread or cheese or anything. By the looks of it, her doctor said that if I want to continue to breastfeed, I'll have to keep the diet until she is one, or when I stop breastfeeding! I don't want to give her formula at all. It's just chemicals and I would feel like a failure if I did. But I also feel terrible because I caved in and ate something I shouldn't have. Has anyone else gone through this? It's just so hard living off of 8 food items.