My baby will only nap/sleep when nursed. Help!!


I'm a SAHM and I'm exclusively breastfeeding my four month old. I've been trying to find answers online but keep coming up short. My LO can only doze off for a nap or go to bed if he nurses. Sometimes my husband can get him to fall asleep in the carrier but he's obviously at work on weekdays. At night he is still swaddled (which we are transitioning soon) and nurses to sleep. He wakes up a few times a night to feed again and won't fall back asleep any other it leaves me extremely tired and worn out 24/7. I think he's also going through a sleep regression because he's waking up a lot more than before. So my question (s) is this:

1. Is/was anyone in the same position and how did you get your baby to fall asleep on their own/sleep all through the night?

2. At what age did they start to sleep through the night without a feeding?

3. How did you get your baby to nap by themselves?

My son is literally asleep in my arms for every nap....he instantly wakes up the second I try to put him down...and I've tried swaddling, a swing, it doesn't work. He's also not a fan of a pacifier. At night he sleeps just fine on his own in his crib. Please help!