Bye Ladies πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I don't know exactly what's happening, but I've been in the ER on and off for a few days. We can't see an ectopic, but my doctor is still closely monitoring me because he suspects that's what's going on. There is a sac, but no yolk sac or baby so far, and my HCG is only going up by about 50 per day. They aren't sure what's going on, but even if we see a baby in the sac later (which I'm doubtful of), I will be part of the September group. I'm a little sad, and a little worried, but my family is fantastic, and I'm just glad that we are finally getting some answers. For all the rest of you beautiful moms, good luck, and a happy and healthy 9 months πŸ’œΒ