my Birth Story

Helloo everyone, our little Georgia is one week old today so I thought I'd tell her birth story. 
I had an awesome pregnancy, no complications, and was hoping the same for labor and delivery.
I started labor on 12/23 around 3pm with contractions that were irregular and not too painful. Around 3pm on 12/24 I went to labor and delivery, thinking that active labor had started, only to be told to labor at home longer. I was told to call the doctor back when contractions met the 5-1-1 rule. 
Occurring less than five minutes apart, for one minute, for over an hour. 
Pretty much as soon as I left the hospital the contractions starting ramping up, but I went home and tried to wait it out.
Contractions were coming three minutes apart, for over and hour, but never broke the 54 second mark, at least not consistently. I couldn't take the pain anymore so we called the doctor and went back to the hospital around ten.
I was only 2cm dilated, but they decided to admit me and see what happened overnight.
The contractions at this point are just rolling one into the other. The doctor checks me in a few hours and I haven't dilated anymore, but my doctor wasn't worried about it. I was extremely dehydrated but the nurses couldn't get an IV in because my veins were too flat from being dehydrated, but that was part of the reason there was no break in contractions that early on.
Finally, IV is in, and they give me a little something to take the edge off the pain, which felt like I had two glasses of wine and it was amazing. 
I labored through the night and then next morning I was only at a five. At 8am on 12/25 I was given pitocin to try and get things progressing. At noon I was only at a six.
At one I got the epidural, at two my water broke, which was so bizarre to feel that pop and then the fluid, which does not feel like water coming out but kind of thick and it's weird. 
At this point I think, awesome things should start moving along. I was wrong, hours go by and nothing is happening. Doctor decides to insert a monitor to attach to babies head to track her heartbeat because she is moving so much. And also insert a monitor to track the strength of my contractions.
Around 7:45 they get this attached, and her heart rate and mine are both high. They have me try a few positions, and nurses keep coming and going to tell me to move this way and that way. Finally they think they find a position the baby likes, they leave the room, and then all of a sudden her heart rate shoots up to 200bpm. I then start panicking hearing the beeping, and mine shoots up, causing hers to shoot up more.
At this point my dr and four others rush in and say that we need to do a c section, the baby is in distress. 
I am wheeled into the OR at 8:02 and the baby is delivered at 8:11p on Christmas night. 
She was out so fast my husband hadn't even made it to the OR, he was still putting his scrubs on.
The doctor knicked her face with the scalpel, but luckily it didn't need stitches.
Unfortunately she aspirated a lot of fluid and meconium. I didn't get to see her and never heard her cry, it took them five minutes to get her color to come in. She was rushed to the NICU and put on oxygen. 
My husband went with her while they stitched me up. They sucked a lot of fluid out of her.  I only got to see her for five minutes two hours after she was born, but after a short 24 hours stay in the NICU she was able to come to our room with us.  It turns out at the end of labor I developed a chorioamnionitis infection which is bacteria in the uterus due to prolonged labor. This caused her elevated heart rate and mine. 
She is the best little baby and the love of my life, and she is doing great!