need advice

Venting time:
I started dating this guy a while back. When we were dating he started smoking  and drinking more and more. He also started doing lots of drugs. Long story short- I was there for him through his whole recorvery process! I was there when he would cry him self to sleep! I didn't care if I had school or work the next day I would stay on the phone with him until 4am even 8am and still had to get up in the morning to get ready. When he would collapse I was there to help him up!! I gave up so many things for him. I lost so many people in my life for him. I was so involved in helping him get better that I comepletly lost my self. I didn't talk anyone but him. I wasn't eating, I was sick. Both physically and mentally. (Because of the lack of sleep) I was failing classes all because I wanted him to get better. I am in love with him. And on Christmas he calls me and tells me that he no longer needs me? That he has found someone else better than me. Someone that would do the things that I wouldn't? He left me heart broken. After all the things I did. Girls I'm so heart broken I have no idea what to do. Help me please.