"you're too young to be having sex"

I am so tired of reading posts about women of all ages who are looking for advice on how to deal with a preganacy... and everyone be just assumes they are pregnant because they didn't use protection. Or older women telling teenage girls who are scared and seeking help the classic line "if you're not ready for a baby, don't have sex" can anything be honestly tell me they are READY for a baby... or never had sex until they were trying for a baby. Protection fails... I have a son fr m failed birth control and I love him to pieces. Whether it's the pill, condoms, rings, IUDs, whatever kind of protection you're using is not 100%. But stop telling women to not have sex if they aren't ready for a baby and stop telling them to use protection without knowing the whole story! Just be supportive and give them good advice... if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all and bite your bitchy tongues.