Single Again

June 8th,2016- December 30th,2016. 
It was a pretty rocky relationship anyway, so I'm glad I got out of it. If anything would mildly inconvenience him, he would shut down and not speak to me about anything for weeks. He does have mental issues, and that was the main problem. His mental illnesses were stressing me out so bad that I couldn't handle it anymore. He just wasn't stable enough for a relationship, and he has huge family issues going on right now. I loved him, and tried to make it work, but I couldn't do it. He's seeing a therapist now, and actually trying just to get me back, but I'm not sure I feel the same way about him anymore. I thought I had really bad hormonal acne, but it was really just stress acne and my skin has cleared up so much in the last two days it's ridiculous. For his sake, I really hope everything turns out okay for him and his family.