Baby measuring small


Hi ladies,

Just wondering if anyone can provide any insight to my situation. I had an ultrasound last Thursday at 8 weeks, 3 days. The baby was measuring only 6 weeks, 1 day and the yolk sac appeared abnormally large (according to the doc). Also, the heart rate was slow at just 94 bpm. Our doctor told us to prepare for a miscarriage and scheduled another ultrasound for a week later. My husband and I are devastated and scared but still holding onto hope. I have had not cramping or bleeding at all.

Has anyone ever had this happen with a good outcome? I had a positive pregnancy test at 9dpo... so if ovulation was off at all, it could only be by a couple of days. Also, I don't know if it makes much of a difference, but I have a tilted uterus, and have heard that this can make it difficult to see and measure baby. Thank you.